As August bears down on us with a record breaking heatwave, we hope both you and your gardens are surviving well.
Our market is already over flowing with the bounty of our gardens; from kale, lettuce, broccoli and cauliflower to summer cabbage, purple cabbage, turnip and zucchini.
Green and yellow beans, peas, fresh carrots and the new baby potatoes all taste delicious both on their own or altogether in the Nova Scotia traditional dish of HodgePodge.
The highbush blueberries seem to be loving this warm weather and the upick is open daily, berries are also available to pick up inside the market. Peaches and plums are beginning to ripen, and have just started to harvest the first of our August apples, a nice early variety “Bough Sweet” to start.
Sweet yellow and peaches and cream corn varieties are now in the market and we have cucumbers of all sizes, along with beets, garlic and fresh dill, it’s a great time for pickling.
The majority of the food we sell is grown right here on our farm with a few exceptions of course, which are sourced as locally as possible. We hope you enjoy and thank you for shopping local with us.