It’s berry time!

The organized strawberry U-Picks are now over, fields will be open during market hours for scattered picking. The raspberry U-Pick is now open during market hours at 2.50 a pint.

Spring is coming!

Greenhouse are full of plants, snow is melting and the days are getting longer! Spring is on it’s way and although it may seem like it is coming along a bit slowly it will be here before you know it! Our farm market is open 9-6 daily with lots of apples and other goodies. Happy Spring!

Apples, Apples, Apples

It is winter time and as most know this is not a very active time on the farm but we still have lots of apples for sale and our market it open every day from 9-5. We are open weather permitting and this time of year when the storms start to hit power outages can become an issue but if the weather is decent enough for our staff to get there then we are still open even during power failures with no effect on our market function. In a months time the young flowers will start coming and the greenhouses will be started up which is as enjoyable to us as it is to you after a long period of everything being dormant and cold. In this coming year we plan to do the corn maze again as well as the haunted corn maze and hope that once again everyone will enjoy these events. Just remember once winter hits, that just means that spring is coming 🙂


Our corn maze is OPEN! Farmer Matt designed it this year so good luck. LOL If you found it easy last year, bring a snack with you this year! Cost is 8.00 a person with children under 5 FREE.
Don’t forget to join us on OPEN FARM DAY, SEPTEMBER 16th. We’ll have our hay ride tour again this year as well as the pumpkin guessing game. Also, Tinkerbell, the pot belly pig, our newest addition is excited to see everyone.

Everything Is In Full Swing!

Plants are growing and full of bloom, strawberries are on the way! Despite feeling like January lately,it is for sure looking full of life outside :). Here are some recent strawberry field photos from one of our newest fields.

(Fun Fact:) For those wondering how strawberry blooms can tolerate having so much ice on them during a frost when they are irrigated it is quite simple physics, when water turns to ice it releases heat, this keeps the blooms from freezing and as long as the ice is allowed to melt before the sprinklers are turned off the blooms will not freeze! It looks quite scary seeing a berry field covered in ice but they are perfectly fine.


It’s starting to look like spring around the farm with plants growing in the greenhouses and lots of mud everywhere! Our cold frame greenhouse has beets, Swiss chard and peas growing in it. Our mouths are watering while we watch them grow!